Tanveer Moundi - Associate

  • Civil Litigation

Responsive • Thorough • Impartial

Tanveer Moundi graduated from the Honors Lawyering Program at Golden Gate University, School of Law, with specializations in Business Law and Public Interest Law. During law school, Tanveer was a regular on the Dean’s List and a published writer and editor on the Race, Gender, and Social Justice Law Journal. She was also the Chief Administrative Officer of the Business Law Association and won several awards including the CALI Excellence for the Future Award and Top Grade award. Tanveer has previously worked for the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office and for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Tanveer has worked in various practice areas of the law including contracts, estate planning, general civil litigation, and constitutional litigation. She currently primarily focuses on defending public entities and private businesses.

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  • Areas of Practice
    • Tanveer focuses her practice on civil litigation, with an emphasis on public entity and corporate entity defense.
  • Education and Training
    • Tanveer obtained her Juris Doctor from Golden Gate University, School of Law, with specializations in Business Law and Public Interest Law.
    • Tanveer obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of California, San Diego.
  • Admissions
    • California State Bar
    • United States District Court, Eastern District